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Appointment slots google calendar restrict to one

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If this availability is at the same time daily, weekly, or in some recurring schedule, click More options, select Does not repeat, and choose the appropriate cycle.If you only have a single appointment slot within this time block, click Slots with duration and choose Single slot from the menu.The default setting books time in 30-minute segments. Enter a duration of an appointment slot.Select the time period and date that you're available.Fill in a title like 'Book this slot' or 'Consult with Alan' so people will understand what the button does or what the appointment will be about.A menu opens, where you can create an Event, a Task, or Appointment slots.Click the Create button highlighted in the upper-left corner with a plus symbol.Open Google Calendar and make sure you're in day or week view.The first step is to create appointment blocks in your Google Calendar.

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